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IBS promotes second round of meetings on cooperativism

The meetings are part of the satellite activities provided for in the Cooplaf Leite


The BioSistêmico Institute (IBS) held the second round of meetings to strengthen

cooperativism among the producers served in the Cooplaf Leite Project in the

settlements in the region of Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Conducted by the IBS

consultant, Moacir Kretzmann, the meetings were held between the end of June and

the beginning of July.

“We keep on working to reinforce productive engagement and mobilization for the

development of cooperativism, highlighting the role of women and young people in

this process”, reports Moacir.

As the IBS consultant explains, four meetings were held with different groups of

producers. In these meetings, he addressed the importance of education, training

and information that are part of the fifth principle of cooperativism, which contributes

to strengthening the relationship between cooperative members and cooperatives.

“The organization by nuclei, which form the social base or membership of the

members, allows the development of better connection and relationship strategies

between the cooperative and the members, with significant improvements for the

management of the entity”, adds Moacir.

According to the president of Cooplaf, Maria Nelzira Garcia, organizing the

cooperative members into smaller groups facilitates the cooperative's communication

with them. “It improves the integration among producers, as well as the use of

training, lectures and monitoring, with the achievement of good collective results”,

evaluates Maria.

The meetings on cooperativism held by IBS are part of the satellite activities

provided for in the Cooplaf Leite Project. The objective is to promote the integration between all the actions that are being developed, in the areas of reproductive and sanitary management, zootechnical management and animal nutrition.

About the project

The Cooplaf Leite Project was conceived by the Instituto BioSistêmico with the main

objective of promoting the development of dairy farming among the cooperative

members of the Cooperativa Agrícola Mista da Pecuária de Corte e Leiteira and

Agricultura Familiar (Cooplaf), an entity headquartered in the municipality of

Terenos, in state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Center-West region of Brazil.

Executed by IBS, the initiative has the support of resources from the Zoetis

Foundation and the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises

(Sebrae) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It also receives institutional and

academic support from Unimar – University of Marília.

This is another livestock project carried out by the Instituto BioSistêmico that uses

the CheckMilk methodology, which has a platform with a management system and

application for technical teams and producers. The system facilitates project

management and the application helps the producer on a daily basis, as an

extension of the IBS consultancy that can be accessed at any time in the palm of the


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